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ул. Чапыгина 6п, офис 107.
Бизнес-Центр ТВ-ПОЛИС
Схема проезда

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+7 (495) 125-15-76

ул.Щипок, д.20, офис 302-308
Схема проезда


+7 (812) 332-14-38

ул. Чапыгина 6п, офис 107.
Бизнес-Центр ТВ-ПОЛИС
Схема проезда

Описание University of York

Университет Йорка - это престижный исследовательский университет, расположенный в городе Йорк, Англия. Основанный в 1963 году, к настоящему моменту университет расширился до 30 факультетов и колледжей, охватывающих широкий круг научно-исследовательских вопросов.
В 2012 году университет вступил в состав престижной Russell Group – ассоциации ведущих британских университетов. Кроме того, университет входит в число 20 лучших вузов Великобритании, 50 лучших университетов Европы и 100 лучших вузов мира по версии QS World University Rankings. Особенно университет известен своими образовательными программами по естественнонаучным и техническим специальностям. На базе вуза проводятся инновационные исследования в области химии и биотехнологий.

В университете учатся 16 000 студентов на очном обучении, в том числе большое количество иностранцев.

Главный студенческий городок располагается к юго-востоку от города Йорк,  кампус университета занимает около 200 акров, включая York Science Park и Национальный научный учебный центр. В мае 2007 года университет получил разрешение на строительство дополнительных кампусов университетского городка, к востоку от близлежащей деревни Heslington. Второй студенческий городок, Heslington East, был открыт в 2009 году, и в настоящее время там находится три колледжа, конференц-залы, спортивный комплекс и бизнес-инкубатор.

Университет Йорка состоит из нескольких самостоятельных колледжей, и каждый студент распределяется на один из девяти колледжей вуза. Девятый Колледж был основан в 2014 году и был назван "Константином" в честь римского императора Константина Великого. В ближайшем будущем университет планирует  построить десятый колледж.

В университете действует собственная телевизионная студия и радиостанция.

University of York имеет ряд междисциплинарных научно-исследовательских центров, в том числе известный Институт архивов Borthwick, Центр исследования эпохи Возрождения и раннего Нового времени, Центра исследования эпохи XVIII века, Центр современных исследований, Центр медиевистики, Институт эффективного образования и Институт общественного понимания прошлого. Департамент политики имеет секцию Послевоенного восстановления и развития, а также Центр прикладных прав человека.

На кампус Heslington West располагается Национальный научный учебный центр, который был открыт в марте 2006 года и посвящен активизации преподавания научных дисциплин в школах.

Стоимость обучения в University of York:
  • бакалавриат - от 23 700 фунтов/год
  • магитсратура - от 23 900 до 29 400 фунтов

Программы обучения Университета Йорка


В 2014 году University of York был назван восьмым лучшим "молодым университетом в возрасте до 50 лет" в мире и  первым среди университетов в Соединенном Королевстве.

25 ноября 2010 вуз был назван «Университетом года» по версии Times Higher Education Awards и получил награду за "успех в сочетании академических знаний и социальной интеграции, а также успех в научно-исследовательских открытиях".

Бизнес, менеджмент, экономика, маркетинг

Бакалаврские программы:

  • Accounting, Business Finance and Management BSc
  • Accounting, Business Finance and Management (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Actuarial Science BSc
  • Actuarial Science (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Business and Management BSc
  • Business and Management BA
  • Business and Management (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Business and Management (with a year in industry) BA]
  • Chemistry, Management and Industry BSc
  • Economics BSc
  • Economics and Econometrics BSc
  • Economics and Finance BSc
  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance BA/BSc
  • Economics/Mathematics (Equal) BA/BSc
  • Economics/Philosophy (Equal) BA
  • Economics/Politics (Equal) BA
  • Electronic Engineering with Business Management BEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Business Management (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Environment, Economics and Ecology BSc
  • Environment, Economics and Ecology (Extended Degree) BSc
  • History/Economics (Equal) BA
  • Marketing BSc
  • Marketing (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Mathematics and Finance (Equal) BSc
  • Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA

  • Accounting & Financial Management MSc
  • Development Economics and Emerging Markets MSc
  • Econometrics and Economics MSc
  • Economic & Social History MSc
  • Economic Evaluation for Health Technology Assessment MSc
  • Economics MSc
  • Economics and Finance MSc
  • Economics and Public Policy MSc
  • Engineering Management MSc
  • Environmental Economics and Environmental Management MSc
  • Finance MSc
  • Finance and Econometrics MSc
  • Global Marketing MSc
  • Health Economics MSc
  • Human Resource Management MA
  • International Business & Strategic Management MSc
  • Marine Environmental Management MSc
  • Management MA
  • Management with Business Finance MSc
  • Mathematical Finance MSc
  • Project Analysis, Finance and Investment MSc
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Economics & Development MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Economics & Philosophy MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Economics & Politics MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Philosophy & Public Affairs MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Political Economy MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Political Research MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics:Politics & Development MA
  • Stained Glass Conservation & Heritage Management MA
  • Statistics and Computational Finance MSc

Гуманитарные и социальные науки

Бакалаврские программы:

  • Applied Social Science BA
  • Applied Social Science (Children and Young People) BA
  • Applied Social Science (Crime and Criminal Justice) BA
  • Applied Social Science and Social Policy (Extended Degree) BA
  • Archaeology BA
  • Archaeology BSc
  • Archaeology and Heritage BSc
  • Bioarchaeology BSc
  • Economics/Philosophy (Equal) BA
  • Education BA
  • English BA
  • English Language and Linguistics BA
  • English in Education BA
  • English/History (Equal) BA
  • English/History of Art (Equal) BA
  • English/Linguistics (Equal) BA
  • English/Philosophy (Equal) BA
  • English/Politics (Equal) BA
  • French and German Language (with a year abroad) BA
  • French and Italian Language (with a year abroad) BA
  • French and Linguistics (with a year abroad) BA
  • French and Spanish Language BA
  • French and Spanish Language (with a year abroad) BA
  • French/Philosophy BA
  • German and Italian Language (with a year abroad) BA
  • German and Linguistics (with a year abroad) BA
  • German and Spanish Language (with a year abroad) BA
  • German/Philosophy BA
  • Historical Archaeology BA
  • History (with a year abroad) BA
  • History and French BA
  • History of Art BA
  • History/Economics (Equal) BA
  • History/History of Art (Equal) BA
  • History/Philosophy (Equal) BA
  • History/Politics (Equal) BA
  • Italian and Linguistics (with a year abroad) BA
  • Italian and Spanish Language (with a year abroad) BA
  • Linguistics BA
  • Linguistics with French BA
  • Linguistics with German BA
  • Linguistics with Italian BA
  • Linguistics with Spanish BA
  • Linguistics/Mathematics BA
  • Philosophy BA
  • Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Economics & Politics MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Philosophy & Public Affairs MA
  • Philosophy/Linguistics (Equal) BA
  • Philosophy/Politics (Equal) BA
  • Philosophy/Sociology (Equal) BA
  • Physics with Philosophy BSc
  • Psychology BSc
  • Science Education MA
  • Social Justice and Education MA
  • Social Policy BA
  • Social Work BA
  • Social and Political Sciences BA
  • Social and Political Sciences with Philosophy BA (Hons)
  • Sociology BA
  • Sociology with Criminology BA
  • Sociology with Social Psychology BA
  • Sociology/Education (equal) BA
  • Spanish and Linguistics (with a year abroad) BA
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language PhD
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA

Магистерские программы:
  • Applied Forensic Psychology MSc
  • Archaeological Information Systems MSc
  • Archaeological Studies (by research) MA
  • Archaeology MPhil
  • Archaeology Phd
  • Archaeology of Buildings MA
  • Applied Linguistics for English Language Teaching MA
  • Bioarchaeology MSc
  • Cognitive Neuroscience MSc
  • Conservation Studies MA/Phd/MPhil
  • Conservation Studies (Historic Buildings) MA
  • Conservation Studies (by research) MA
  • Contemporary History and International Politics MA
  • Comparative Syntax and Semantics MA
  • Comparative and International Social Policy MA
  • Criminology and Social Research MA
  • Culture, Society and Globalisation MA
  • Cultural Heritage Management MA
  • Culture and Thought after 1945 MA
  • Digital Heritage MSc
  • Development, Disorders and Clinical Practice MSc
  • Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience MSc
  • Global Crime and Justice MA
  • Global Social Policy MA
  • Early Prehistory MSc
  • Early Modern History MA
  • Education MA
  • Education (by research) MA
  • Eighteenth Century Studies MA
  • English (by research) MA
  • English PhD/MPhil
  • English Literary Studies MA
  • European Gender & Equality Studies MA
  • Film and Literature MA
  • Field Archaeology MA
  • Forensic Speech Science MSc
  • Forensic Psychology Studies MSc
  • Funerary Archaeology MSc
  • Funerary Archaeology MA
  • Global and International Citizenship Education MA
  • History PhD/MPhil
  • History (by research) MA
  • Global Literature and Culture MA
  • Historical Archaeology MA
  • History - Pathfinder Consortium PGCE
  • History of Art MA
  • History of Art PhD/MPhil
  • History of Art (Architectural History and Theory) MA
  • History of Art (British Art) MA
  • History of Art (Medieval Art and Medievalisms) MA
  • History of Art (Modern and Contemporary Art) MA
  • History of Art (Sculpture Studies) MA
  • History of Art (by research) MA
  • Literature of the Romantic Period 1775-1832 MA
  • Linguistics MA
  • Linguistics (by research) MA
  • Medieval Archaeology MA
  • Medieval Literatures and Languages MA
  • Medical History and Humanities MA
  • Medieval History MA
  • Medieval Studies MA
  • Modern History MA
  • Modern and Contemporary Literature and Culture MA
  • Modern Languages (French with German) PGCE
  • Modern Languages (French with German) - Pathfinder Consortium PGCE
  • Modern Languages (French with Spanish) PGCE
  • Modern Languages (French with Spanish) - Pathfinder Consortium PGCE
  • Modern Languages (French) PGCE
  • Modern Languages (German with French) PGCE
  • Modern Languages (German with French) - Pathfinder Consortium PGCE
  • Modern Languages (German with Spanish) PGCE
  • Modern Languages (German with Spanish) - Pathfinder Consortium PGCE
  • Modern Languages (German) PGCE
  • Modern Languages (Spanish with French) PGCE
  • Modern Languages (Spanish with German) PGCE
  • Modern Languages (Spanish) PGCE
  • Philosophy MA
  • Philosophy (by research) MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Economics & Development MA
  • Phonetics and Phonology MA
  • Phonological Development MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Economics & Philosophy MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Political Economy MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Political Research MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Politics & Development MA
  • Psycholinguistics MA
  • Psychology MRes
  • Poetry and Poetics MA
  • Public History MA
  • Renaissance and Early Modern Studies MA
  • Renaissance Literature 1500-1700 MA
  • Stained Glass Conservation & Heritage Management MA
  • Sociolinguistics MA
  • Social and Public Policy MA
  • Social Policy MA/ MRes
  • Social Work MA/MRes
  • Social Media and Interactive Technologies MSc
  • Social Media and Management MSc
  • Social Media and Social Research MA
  • Social Research MA
  • Sociology (by research) MA
  • Victorian Literature and Culture MA
  • Women's Studies MA
  • Women's Studies (Humanities) MA
  • Women's Studies (Social Research) MA
  • Women's Studies (by research) MA
  • Women, Violence, and Conflict MA
  • Zooarchaeology MSc

Дизайн, мода, искусство, архитектура

Бакалаврские программы:

  • Curating and Art History BA
  • History of Art BA

Естественные науки, медицина, спорт, питание

Бакалаврские программы:

  • Biochemistry BSc
  • Biochemistry MBiochem
  • Biochemistry (with a year in Europe) BSc
  • Biochemistry (with a year in Europe) MBiochem
  • Biochemistry (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Biochemistry (with a year in industry MBiochem
  • Biology BSc
  • Biology MBiol
  • Biology (with a year in Europe) BSc
  • Biology (with a year in Europe) Mbiol
  • Biology (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Biology (with a year in industry) Mbiol
  • Biomedical Sciences BSc
  • Biomedical Sciences MBiomedSci
  • Biomedical Sciences (with a year in Europe) BSc
  • Biomedical Sciences (with a year in Europe) MBiomedSci
  • Biomedical Sciences (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Biomedical Sciences (with a year in industry) MBiomedSci
  • Biotechnology and Microbiology BSc
  • Biotechnology and Microbiology MBiol
  • Biotechnology and Microbiology (with a year in Europe) BSc
  • Biotechnology and Microbiology (with a year in Europe) MBiol
  • Biotechnology and Microbiology (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Biotechnology and Microbiology (with a year in industry) MBiol
  • Chemistry BSc
  • Chemistry MChem
  • Chemistry (with a year abroad) MChem
  • Chemistry (with a year in industry) MChem
  • Chemistry, Biological & Medicinal Chemistry BSc
  • Chemistry, Biological & Medicinal Chemistry MChem
  • Chemistry, Biological and Medicinal Chemistry (with a year abroad) MChem
  • Chemistry, Biological and Medicinal Chemistry (with a year in industry) MChem
  • Chemistry, Management and Industry BSc
  • Chemistry, Management and Industry MChem
  • Chemistry, Management and Industry (with a year abroad) MChem
  • Chemistry, Management and Industry (with a year in industry) MChem
  • Chemistry, Resources and the Environment BSc
  • Chemistry, Resources and the Environment MChem
  • Chemistry, Resources and the Environment (with a year abroad) MChem
  • Chemistry, Resources and the Environment (with a year in industry) MChem
  • Ecology BSc
  • Ecology MBiol
  • Ecology (with a year in Europe) BSc
  • Ecology (with a year in Europe) MBiol
  • Ecology (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Ecology (with a year in industry) MBiol
  • Genetics BSc
  • Genetics MBiol
  • Genetics (with a year in Europe) BSc
  • Genetics (with a year in Europe) MBiol
  • Genetics (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Genetics (with a year in industry) MBiol
  • Medical Science (Applied Ethics) BSc
  • Medical Science (Biological, Biomedical & Environmental Sciences) BSc
  • Medical Science (Biomedical Sciences) BSc
  • Medical Science (Philosophy of Mind & Body) BSc
  • Medical Science (Sport, Health and Exercise Science) BSc
  • Medical Sciences BSc
  • Medicine MBBS
  • Midwifery Practice BA
  • Molecular Cell Biology BSc
  • Molecular Cell Biology MBiol
  • Molecular Cell Biology (with a year in Europe) BSc
  • Molecular Cell Biology (with a year in Europe) MBiol
  • Molecular Cell Biology (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Molecular Cell Biology (with a year in industry) MBiol
  • Natural Sciences BSc
  • Nursing (Adult) BSc
  • Nursing (Child) BSc
  • Nursing (Learning Disability) BSc
  • Nursing (Mental Health) BSc

  • Applied Health Research MSc
  • Biology PhD/MPhil
  • Biology (by research) MSc
  • Biological Chemistry PhD
  • Chemistry MPhil/ PhD
  • Chemistry (by research) MSc
  • Clinical Anatomy and Education MSc
  • Green Chemistry & Sustainable Industrial Technology MSc
  • Health Sciences MSc
  • Human Anatomy & Evolution MSc
  • Human Sciences MPhil/PhD
  • International Humanitarian Affairs MSc
  • Industrial Biotechnology MSc
  • Mechanistic Biology PhD
  • Medical History and Humanities MA
  • Medical Sciences (by thesis) MSc
  • Physician Associate Studies MSc
  • Public Health Masters

Журналистика, пиар, медиа

Бакалаврские программы:

  • Interactive Media BSc

  • Social Media and Interactive Technologies MSc
  • Social Media and Management MSc
  • Social Media and Social Research MA

Инженерия, производство, окружающая среда

Бакалаврские программы:

  • Chemistry, Resources and the Environment BSc
  • Computer Science with Embedded Systems Engineering BEng
  • Computer Science with Embedded Systems Engineering MEng
  • Computer Science with Embedded Systems Engineering (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Computer Science with Embedded Systems Engineering (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Computer Science/Mathematics (Equal) BSc
  • Computer Science/Mathematics (Equal) (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Electronic Engineering MEng
  • Electronic Engineering BEng
  • Electronic Engineering (with a Foundation Year) BEng
  • Electronic Engineering (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Electronic Engineering (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Business Management BEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Business Management MEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Business Management (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Business Management (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Music Technology Systems MEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Music Technology Systems BEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Music Technology Systems (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Music Technology Systems (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology MEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology BEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Electronic and Communication Engineering MEng
  • Electronic and Communication Engineering BEng
  • Electronic and Communication Engineering (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Electronic and Communication Engineering (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering MEng
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering BEng
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Environment, Economics and Ecology MEnv
  • Environment, Economics and Ecology BSc
  • Environment, Economics and Ecology (Extended Degree) BSc
  • Environment, Economics and Ecology (with a year in industry) MEnv
  • Environmental Geography BSc
  • Environmental Geography MEnv
  • Environmental Geography (Extended Degree) BSc
  • Environmental Geography (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Environmental Geography (with a year in industry) MEnv
  • Environmental Science BSc
  • Environmental Science MEnv
  • Environmental Science (Extended Degree) BSc
  • Environmental Science (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Environmental Science (with a year in industry) MEnv
  • Human Geography and Environment BA
  • Human Geography and Environment MEnv
  • Human Geography and Environment (Extended Degree) BA
  • Human Geography and Environment (with a year in industry) BA
  • Human Geography and Environment (with a year in industry) MEnv
  • Linguistics/Mathematics BA
  • Mathematics MMAth
  • Mathematics BA/BSc
  • Mathematics (with a year in Europe) BA/BSc
  • Mathematics and Finance (Equal) BSc
  • Mathematics and Statistics (Equal) BA/BSc
  • Mathematics/Computer Science (Equal) MMath
  • Mathematics/Computer Science (Equal) (with a year in industry) MMath
  • Mathematics/Philosophy (Equal) BA/BSc
  • Mathematics/Physics (Equal) MMath
  • Mathematics/Physics (Equal) BA/BSc
  • Mathematics/Physics (equal) (with a year in Europe) BA/BSc
  • Physics MPhys
  • Physics BSc
  • Physics (with a Foundation Year) BSc
  • Physics (with a year in Europe) MPhys
  • Physics (with a year in Europe) BSc
  • Physics with Astrophysics BSc
  • Physics with Astrophysics MPhys
  • Physics with Astrophysics (with a year in Europe) BSc
  • Physics with Astrophysics (with a year in Europe) MPhys
  • Physics with Philosophy MPhys
  • Physics with Philosophy BSc
  • Physics with Philosophy (with a year in Europe) BSc
  • Theoretical Physics MPhys
  • Theoretical Physics BSc
  • Theoretical Physics (with a year in Europe) MPhys
  • Theoretical Physics (with a year in Europe) BSc

  • Advanced Mathematical Biology MSc
  • Communications Engineering MSc
  • Corporate Social Responsibility with Environmental Management MSc
  • Environment (by research) MSc
  • Environmental Economics and Environmental Management MSc
  • Environmental Economics and Environmental Management MPhil/PhD
  • Environmental Geography MPhil/PhD
  • Environmental Science MPhil/PhD
  • Environmental Science & Management MSc
  • Digital Systems Engineering MSc
  • Electronic Engineering (by research) MSc
  • Electronic Engineering PhD/MPhil
  • Embedded Wireless Systems MSc
  • Engineering Management MSc
  • Financial Engineering MSc
  • Fusion Energy MSc
  • Intelligent Robotics MSc
  • Marine Environmental Management MSc
  • Mathematics PGCE
  • Mathematics - Pathfinder Consortium PGCE
  • Mathematical Finance MSc
  • Mathematics (by research) MSc
  • Physics PGCE
  • Physics (by research) MSc
  • Physics - Pathfinder Consortium PGCE
  • Safety Critical Systems Engineering MSc
  • Statistics and Computational Finance MSc
  • System Safety Engineering with Automotive Applications MSc

Компьютерные науки, IT

Бакалаврские программы:

  • Computer Science BEng/BSc
  • Computer Science MEng
  • Computer Science (with a year in industry) BEng/BSc
  • Computer Science (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence MEng
  • Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence (with year in industry) MEng
  • Computer Science with Embedded Systems Engineering BEng
  • Computer Science with Embedded Systems Engineering MEng
  • Computer Science with Embedded Systems Engineering (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Computer Science with Embedded Systems Engineering (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Computer Science/Mathematics (Equal) BSc
  • Computer Science/Mathematics (Equal) (with a year in industry) BSc
  • Digital Signal Processing MSc
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering MEng
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering BEng
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Mathematics/Computer Science (Equal) MMath
  • Mathematics/Computer Science (Equal) (with a year in industry) MMath

  • Advanced Computer Science MSc
  • Computer Science MPhil
  • Computer Science PhD
  • Computer Science (by research) MSc
  • Computing MSc
  • Cyber Security MSc
  • Human-Centred Interactive Technologies MSc
  • Information Technology MSc
  • Intelligent games and game intelligence PhD
  • Intelligent Robotics MSc
  • Safety Critical Systems Engineering MSc
  • Software Engineering MSc
  • System Safety Engineering with Automotive Applications MSc

Право, политика, международные отношения

Бакалаврские программы:

  • Criminology BA
  • Economics/Politics (Equal) BA
  • English/Politics (Equal) BA
  • History/Politics (Equal) BA
  • Law LLB
  • Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA
  • Philosophy/Politics (Equal) BA
  • Politics BA
  • Politics (with a year abroad) BA
  • Politics (with a year in industry) BA
  • Politics and International Relations (with a year abroad) BA
  • Politics and International Relations (with a year in industry) BA
  • Politics with International Relations BA
  • Social and Political Sciences BA
  • Social and Political Sciences with Philosophy BA

  • Applied Human Rights MA
  • Conflict, Governance and Development MA
  • Contemporary History and International Politics MA
  • International Corporate Governance and Commercial Law LLM
  • International Human Rights Law and Practice LLM
  • International Political Economy - Critical Theories, Issues and Conflicts MA
  • International Relations MA
  • Legal and Political Theory LLM
  • Masters of Public Administration
  • Masters of Public Administration - International Development
  • Political Research MA
  • Political Theory MA
  • Political and Legal Theory: Toleration MA
  • Politics (by research) MA
  • Post-war Recovery Studies MA
  • Public Administration and Public Policy MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Economics & Development MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Economics & Philosophy MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Economics & Politics MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Philosophy & Public Affairs MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Political Economy MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Political Research MA
  • Philosophy, Politics & Economics:Politics & Development MA

Творческие дисциплины

Бакалаврские программы:

  • Film and Television Production BSc
  • Music BA
  • Music Technology Systems MEng
  • Music Technology Systems BEng
  • Music Technology Systems (with a Foundation Year) BEng
  • Music Technology Systems (with a year in industry) MEng
  • Music Technology Systems (with a year in industry) BEng
  • Music and Sound Recording BA
  • Theatre: Writing, Directing and Performance BA

  • Audio and Music Technology MSc
  • Community Music MA
  • Digital Film and Television Production MA
  • Filmmaking (by research) MA
  • Film and Literature MA
  • Music MA
  • Music (by research) MA
  • Music Education: Instrumental and Vocal Teaching MA
  • Music Production MA
  • Music Technology (by research) MSc
  • Music Technology PhD/MPhil
  • Postproduction with Sound Design MA
  • Postproduction with Sound Design MSc
  • Postproduction with Visual Effects MA
  • Postproduction with Visual Effects MSc
  • Screenwriting (by research) MA
  • Theatre (by research) MA
  • Theatre: Writing, Directing & Performance MA

Наши преимущества

Мы в комплексе решаем вопросы своих клиентов: подбор программы, зачисление, получение визы, подготовка и сдача IELTS, бронирование проживания и перелетов.

С нами удобно: наши офисы находятся в десятках городов России, Украины и Казахстана. Мы всегда на связи! Наш экстренный телефон всегда работает!

Нашей компании 30 лет! Тысячи студентов прошли через заботливые руки наших специалистов. Наш профессиональный и жизненный опыт для Вас!


Посмотреть все

Сдача IELTS только здесь

только здесь

Подготовка к IELTS


Офис в твоем городе

в твоем городе

Стипендиальный  фонд


Учеба и жизнь в Австралии

Учеба и жизнь
в Австралии

Среднее образование


Индустрия гостеприимства


Telegram Students Internationsl
Telegram Students Internationsl

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Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Выбрать город


Анкета на подбор программы

Подбор программы
моё образование:
интересующая программа:
интересующая страна:
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Подписаться на новости

Подписаться на новости
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Написать отзыв

Вы наш клиент? Поделитесь вашими впечатлениями с другими!

Написать отзыв
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Обратный звонок

Запрос информации
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Расчет в течение 30 минут!

 мне нужно будет оформить визу
 на момент обучения у меня будет действующая виза
Готовы рассмотреть и иные схожие варианты
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Анкета на подбор программы обучения

Заполняйте данные от имени потенциального студента

Подбор программы
моё образование:
интересующая программа:
интересующая страна:
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных


University of York

Подбор программы
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных